core - How can I hide files from Solution Explorer by name in VS2015? -
i writing website in vs2015 using preview template. unfortunately, dropbox has added bunch of .dropbox.attr
files in each folder of project, solution explorer displaying:
note have not added them project manually, (they not referenced in web.xproj
,) , not have "show files" selected. have added them .gitignore
. there no "remove" option when selecting file:
lastly, have tried adding them project.json
's exclude section:
... "publishexclude": [ "node_modules", "bower_components", "**.xproj", "**.user", "**.vspscc", ".dropbox.attr" ], "exclude": [ "wwwroot", "node_modules", "bower_components", ".dropbox.attr" ] ...
is there way files name not appear in solution explorer?
i'm not sure of interaction between vs2015 , new project structure, result of of factors.
you can modify .xproj file of project , add following exclude folders:
<itemgroup> <dnxinvisiblefolder include="wwwroot\jspm_packages\" /> <dnxinvisiblefolder include="wwwroot\node_modules\" /> <dnxinvisiblecontent include="wwwroot\tsd.json" /> </itemgroup>
you can use dnxinvisiblefolder
folders , dnxinvisiblecontent
files. folders (like node_modules) have thousands of folders/files seem pose major problem vs2015 scan , load.
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