java - Is there a way to set a variable's value to a TextView's text using XML in Android Studio? -

i writing little program android (i newbie java), , wonder if there's way set textview-text's value of public static double variable defined in corresponding .java file, using xml code, can dynamicresource in c#-xaml.

i have managed programatically set textview's text using

textview value1 = (textview) findviewbyid(; value1.settext(string.valueof(myclass.staticvariableinmyclass)); 

but it, if possible, editing xml files of project, not need update textview's text anymore.

thanks in advance.

ways set text in textview : xml - add attribute textview element android:text="your text" . java:

textview tvid = (textview) findviewbyid(; tvid.settext("your text");

if have double variable convert this. string.valueof(double var);


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