java - static method returns empty hashmap -

i have code there 2 classes, , and util class static methods b. class b has static method called a. static method returns hashmap (); although map built static method in clas b, map empty when call method of b a. thoughts?

the following static method class b correctly build map.

package fileutils;  import; import; import; import; import java.util.enumeration; import java.util.hashmap; import; import java.util.jar.jarentry; import java.util.jar.jarfile; import;  public class jarfileutils {     //returns sql queries map public static map<string, string> getsqls(string jarfilefullpath){       map<string, string> sqldata = new hashmap<string, string>();     try {          jarfile jarfile = new jarfile(jarfilefullpath);          enumeration enumeration = jarfile.entries();          while (enumeration.hasmoreelements()){              sqldata = getsqldatahelper(enumeration.nextelement(), jarfile);          }          jarfile.close();           } catch (ioexception e) {         e.printstacktrace();     }     return sqldata; }  //helper fetch sql info private static map<string, string> getsqldatahelper(object obj, jarfile jarfile)  { map<string, string> sqls = new hashmap<string, string>();   jarentry entry = (jarentry)obj;    string path = "/"+entry.getname();   if(files.getfileextension(path).equalsignorecase("sql")){     inputstream input;     try {         input = jarfile.getinputstream(entry);         sqls.put(files.getnamewithoutextension(path), readsqlfile(input));        } catch (ioexception e) {         e.printstacktrace();             }   }   system.out.println(sqls.tostring());   return sqls;       }  //reads given sql file private static string readsqlfile(inputstream input) throws ioexception {       inputstreamreader isr = new inputstreamreader(input);       bufferedreader reader = new bufferedreader(isr);       stringbuilder sqlquery = new stringbuilder();       string line;       while ((line = reader.readline()) != null) {           sqlquery.append(line);           sqlquery.append("\n");       }       reader.close();       return sqlquery.tostring();     } } 

the following call above static method class a. size of map 0 reason.

//get list of sqls in jar file     map<string,string> sqlsextracted = jarfileutils.getsqls(currentprojectfullpath);     system.out.println("size = "+currentprojectfullpath+" = "+sqlsextracted.size()); 

please advise,


adding comment possible answer, since might point problem.

getsqls() going through each entry in jar file, returns result of last entry. perhaps last entry doesn't contain sql files?


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