mysql - Organizing a database using folders in phpMyAdmin -

right have database in phpmyadmin, , off the side of screen, shows database name, , list of tables inside database. it's fine if it's couple of tables, when there's dozens of tables, gets hard find tables want edit. i've thought creating database make easier organize, i'll have connect using different database's name , different user login database, , thought how easier if can make folders or similar inside database have organize tables. i'm wondering if possible, or know work-around issue.

well, can't create database (or folders) within database; that's not mysql able do.

phpmyadmin has grouping feature may situation. default, databases prefix followed _ (a single underscore) grouped together, tables __ (two underscores).

here's example of how ends looking when grouped:


enter image description here


enter image description here

if you're able rename of tables, you'll able take advantage of grouping feature make phpmyadmin display bit more manageable. of course, won't change way other tools display table list.

the configuration directives $cfg['navigationtreedbseparator'] , $cfg['navigationtreetableseparator'] control separator used. relevant documentation starts @ , includes next few line items.


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