Azure WebJobs: Can't find Trace logging -

i've followed instructions on this microsoft webpage logging messages azure webjob, none of messages appear in log.

in webjob write logging messages using

trace.traceinformation("blah blah blah"); 

in configuration file's application diagnostics section have blob storage logging turned on "verbose" option.

log files are being created (though have wait several minutes - in 1 case until following morning - until logs appear in blob storage) logs don't contain trace messages.

so how log messages these log files, and/or trace written to?

here image of configured options logging:

enter image description here

and configured blob storage same 1 i'm looking in.

to specify storage account web job logs, need add connection string under configure tab > connection string sections, name of connection string has azurewebjobsdashboard.

it should below:

  • name: azurewebjobsdashboard
  • value: defaultendpointsprotocol=https;accountname="";accountkey=""
  • type: custom

you can view logs in azure portal, open web app , select webjobs tab, click on url of web job, show last runs, click on toggle button, shown details of run including custom messages written app using below statement.

console.writeline("error while doing ..."); 


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