Birt integration in JHipster application -

i'm new jhipster , angularjs , i'm trying integrate birt engine in jhipster application using h2 embedeed database.
found this page details how integrate birt engine in spring application don't how applicate application.

here modifications performed in jhipster project:

  • add dependency org.eclipse.birt.runtime in pom
  • create classes car, carserviceimpl, birtview, birtenginefactory , birtdataserviceconfiguration in sub-package report described in article.
  • i added birtwebconfiguration class in sub-package config. removed @componentscan line taken account in application class.
  • i created empty report in src/main/webapp/reports/toto.rptdesign

my problems are:

  • when accessing application main page "pagenotfound exception" following message "no mapping found http request uri [/] in dispatcherservlet name 'dispatcherservlet'".
    presume due birtwebconfiguration seems overwritte rest path configuration.
    how shall define new rest end-point /reports ?
  • when accessing http://localhost:8080/reports page, thymeleaf exception raised [error] org.thymeleaf.templateengine - [thymeleaf][http-nio-] exception processing template "birtview": error resolving template "birtview", template might not exist or might not accessible of configured template resolvers [error] org.apache.catalina.core.containerbase.[tomcat].[localhost].[/].[dispatcherservlet] - servlet.service() servlet [dispatcherservlet] in context path [] threw exception [request processing failed; nested exception org.thymeleaf.exceptions.templateinputexception: error resolving template "birtview", template might not exist or might not accessible of configured template resolvers] root cause org.thymeleaf.exceptions.templateinputexception: error resolving template "birtview", template might not exist or might not accessible of configured template resolvers @ org.thymeleaf.templaterepository.gettemplate( ~[thymeleaf-2.1.3.release.jar:na] @ org.thymeleaf.templateengine.process( ~[thymeleaf-2.1.3.release.jar:na] @ org.thymeleaf.templateengine.process( ~[thymeleaf-2.1.3.release.jar:na] @ org.thymeleaf.templateengine.process( ~[thymeleaf-2.1.3.release.jar:na] @ org.thymeleaf.spring4.view.thymeleafview.renderfragment( ~[thymeleaf-spring4-2.1.3.release.jar:na] @ org.thymeleaf.spring4.view.thymeleafview.render( ~[thymeleaf-spring4-2.1.3.release.jar:na]

thanks help.

has birtview bean been created? example, in config/

@override public void addviewcontrollers(viewcontrollerregistry registry) {     registry.addviewcontroller("/reports").setviewname("birtview"); }  @bean  public birtview birtview(){      birtview birtview = new birtview();      birtview.setdatasource(datasource);     birtview.setappcontext(applicationcontext);     birtview.setbirtengine(this.engine().getobject());     return birtview;  }  


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