spring integration - jms adapter launch two jms consumer -

i have problem int-jms:inbound-channel-adapter, when start application see in activemq webadmin have 2 consumer queue.

<int-jms:inbound-channel-adapter          id="jmsadapter"         acknowledge="transacted"         destination-name="${destinationname}"         connection-factory="cachedconnectionfactory"         channel="inboundchannel"         auto-startup="true" >     <int:poller fixed-delay="100" ></int:poller> </int-jms:inbound-channel-adapter> 

somme thing wrong in conf?

problem org.springframework.jms.connection.cachingconnectionfactory create multiple session, , 1 consumer per session . have 3 consumers same queue.

to resolve use cachedconsumer à false.


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