Is polygon operation in CGAL working with polygon that has duplicated edge? -

i have polygon such:

enter image description here

{0}, {1}, {2}, {3},... denote sequence of points on polygon.

i wonder whether cgal polygon boolean set-operations work polygon such?

from user manual, input polygon must simple or relatively simple in order cgal polygon boolean set-operations work:

a relatively simple polygon allows vertices degree >2, of edges disjoint in interior. furthermore, must orientable polygon. namely when inserted arrangement , outer boundary traversed, same face adjacent of halfedges (no crossing on curve during traversal). note while polygon c has same curves polygon b, traversal of curves leads crossing on traversed curve, , therefore neither simple nor relatively simple.

not sure means, guess polygon still ( @ least) relatively simple, , hence cgal polygon boolean operation still works... right?

if @ condition valid polygon in user manual, you'll see input polygon must simple. yours not since have duplicated edge.


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