android - Google Places API Picker display Only Certain Types of Places -

i making android app requires user choose place. planning user google places

this api gives gives nice way through through place picker.

now suppose want show user places of food type (restaurant, hotel etc.) . using places browser api can done adding "type=restraunts" attribute in requests.

is there way show places of types using google places picker android ?

we in 2017 , apparently feature still not implemented yet.

even so, can check type(s) of selected place on activityresult , use it. in case, wanted app accept hospitals , related services, here's code:

 @override protected void onactivityresult(int requestcode, int resultcode, intent data) { //... boolean isanhospital = false; selectedplace = placepicker.getplace(this, data); (int : selectedplace.getplacetypes()) {     if (i == place.type_doctor || == place.type_health || == place.type_hospital) {                         isanhospital = true;                         break;                     }                 }  if(isanhospital){      //right type of place }else{     //tell user select appropriate place        }            

hope helps in way. sorry bad english.


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