php - Verify if is in array in twig template -

i have question, it's possible make in_array in twig template? example have array call acolors colors of 1 product :

array[   0 => "1"   1 => "2" ] 

and have class in libraries folder :

class colors{ public static $acolors = array(     '1' => 'white',     '2' => 'black',     '3' => 'yellow',     '4' => 'red',     '5' => 'green',     '6' => 'blue', ); } 

now want verify if values of array colors of product = keys of general array colors, , tried in .twig :

{% key,val in acolors %}       {% if val in colors::acolors %} {% endfor %} 

but not work. exist solution? please me. can me? thx in advance!!!

twig not intended run php code in it. official position of twig developers: twig template engine , thing templating, doesn't know classes, static class properties , other php-only stuff. options have are:

  • pass array context variable, global or local, (preferred way).
  • create extension or twig function access class property internally (this goes against twig principles, works, though i'll use line of answer warn not it).


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