node.js - Unable to insert into subdocument -

i have following schema

var childschema = new schema({     name: string,     value: string });  var parentschema = new schema({     children: [childschema] }); 

now, wish insert entries parent.children.

i did following:

parentrecord.children.push({     name:"foo",     value: "bar" }); 

when use console.log, can see here record has been added parent record's children property. has been give id.

now, attempt save record:; 

while save success, see entry not added children property.

  1. i tried use parentrecord.markmodified("children"); not help
  2. i have ensured declare childschema before declare parentschema.

i @ wits end trying figure out what's wrong. have set debug property of mongoose true. can see it's identifying new entry can't see getting saved in database.

following output debug messages:

mongoose: parentrecord.update({ _id: objectid("5551895182d9adbe1da34d6a") }) { '$inc': { __v: 1 }, '$set': { anotherfield: 'anothervalue' }, '$pushall': { fields: [ { _id: objectid("55518c682a0744dc20f1473b"), value: 'bar', name: 'foo' } ] } } {} 

any hints on else need entry save?

i using mongoose 3.8.12

from can tell change log looks issue resolved in version 3.8.13. may want try upgrading.


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