c# - What are the consequences, if any, of multiple backslashes in Windows paths? -

in programs have file names and/or paths configured in app.config file. like:

<add key="logfiledirectory" value="c:\logs" /> <add key="savelogfileto" value="mylogfile.txt" /> 

in actual application code, i'll concatenate these code similar this:

var logfile = configurationmanager.appsettings["logfiledirectory"] + @"\" + configurationmanager.appsettings["savelogfileto"]; 

now, result of above code give log file path of c:\logs\mylogfile.txt, however, if end-user specifies log file directory in configuration file c:\logs\ trailing backslash, code results in actual path of c:\logs\\mylogfile.txt double backslash between directory , file.

in experience, works fine in practice. matter of fact, dropping command prompt , executing cd c:\\\\\\windows\\\ works in practice.

my question is, what, if any, consequences of having paths this? don't want using "feature" in production code if undocumented , subject broken @ point in future new release of windows.

there no consequences know of, , it's not broken in future versions, because lot of people doing same you.

however, correct way combine paths in c# use path.combine, remove backslashes you:

var logfile = path.combine(     configurationmanager.appsettings["logfiledirectory"],     configurationmanager.appsettings["savelogfileto"]); 


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