extjs4.2 - Pass data between views in ExtJS -

i reading data store , populating main girdview. when of row clicked, windows appear , want fill fieldset in window same record clicked. can tell me how it?

my popup window like:

{     extend: 'ext.window.window',      height: 500,     width: 1500,     minwidth :1500,     maxwidth :1500,     layout: 'fit',     controller: 'popupwindowcontroller',      initcomponent: function () {          var me = this;           //console.log(me.myextraparams);         var store = ext.getstore('mainstore');          ext.applyif(me, {          /*   items: [{                 xtype: 'form',                 bodypadding: 10,                 region: 'center'             }]*/          });             me.callparent(arguments);     },               items: [     {               xtype: 'panel',         title : 'projektierung',         bodystyle : 'padding:5px',         width : 1880,         autoheight : true,         items:         [              {                 xtype  : 'kopfdatenview', // have populate view             }         ] }]} 

and in main view calling as:

{ region: 'center', xtype: 'gridpanel',

            listeners : {                 itemdblclick: function(dv, record, item, index, e) {                      var = record.data;                     win = ext.create('app.view.popupwindow');                      console.log(win.myextraparams);                      win.on('show', function(win) {                       win.settitle(record.get('id'));                     });                      win.show();                 }             },               columns: [                       ****                     ],             store: 'mainstore',              height: 100,             width: 400,          } 

i want populate fieldset in kopfdatenview. kindly

you directly pass record window on creation :

win = ext.create('app.view.popupwindow', {     myrecord: record }); 

and inside window's initcomponent function (before callparent) :

this.title = this.myrecord.get('id'); 


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