gruntjs - How do I reuse a grunt copy task for multiple destinations dynamically? -
instead of adding destinations in dest attribute make dynamic can assign destinations when run task command line or when run task. way can copy file folder(s) want whenever call task.
copy: { nightlybuild: { files: [{ expand: true, cwd: '../', src: ['index.html'], dest: 'destinations' }] } },
i assuming need use grunt.option , grunt.config can't seem right. have multiple scripts reuse in similar way.
i think in right track. should help
copy: { nightlybuild: { files: [{ expand: true, cwd: '../', src: ['index.html'], dest: '<%= dest %>', }] } }, grunt.task.registertask('copyto', 'copy specific destination', function(dest) { if (arguments.length === 0) { grunt.log.writeln( + ", missing destination"); } else { grunt.log.writeln( + " " + dest); grunt.config.set('dest', dest);[ 'copy:nightlybuild' ]); } });
you call task this: grunt copyto:mydestination
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