excel vba - Search two specific, nonadjacent columns for value in textbox -

please help. can not figure out how search columns b , j exclusively. searching range b:b through j:j. else works fine.

sub find_item(snfound, snrng, idfound)

'the user prompted input either serial number or unique id number textbox on userform. 'this suppose search columns b (serial number) , j (id number) in table2 number user entered 'everything works except not limiting search columns b , j. searching columns b through j.

dim findsnid string 'note -- snfound , idfound dim boolean, snrng dim range

call resetfilters 'this sub removes filtering active sheet

findsnid = snid_textbox.value     if trim(findsnid) <> ""     sheets("inventory").range("b:b", "j:j")          set snrng = .find(what:=findsnid, _                         after:=.cells(.cells.count), _                         lookin:=xlvalues, _                         lookat:=xlwhole, _                         searchorder:=xlbyrows, _                         searchdirection:=xlnext, _                         matchcase:=false)         if not snrng nothing              snrng.activate 

'if match found in column b (serial number) display msgbox item found , it's self location xxxxxx column w (offset 0,21)_ 'and it's current status either available or checked out (offset 0,23)

            if snrng.column = 2             msgbox "a matching serial number found in location " & snrng.offset(0, 21).value & vbcrlf & _             "it's current status " & snrng.offset(0, 23).value             areabox2.value = snrng.offset(0, 28).value             sectionbox2.value = snrng.offset(0, 29).value             shelfbox2.value = snrng.offset(0, 30).value             snfound = true             idfound = false             end if 

'if match found in column j (id number)then item's shelf location , status displayed.

            if snrng.column = 10             msgbox "a matching id number found in location " & snrng.offset(0, 13).value & vbcrlf & _             "it's current status " & snrng.offset(0, 15).value             areabox2.value = snrng.offset(0, 28).value             sectionbox2.value = snrng.offset(0, 29).value             shelfbox2.value = snrng.offset(0, 30).value             snfound = false             idfound = true             end if         end if     end     end if 

end sub

try creating range setting range variable = union(range("b:b"), range("j:j"))


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