bash - Problems or dangers with automatic remote git fetching? -

i started using bash-git-prompt, bash shell replacement detects when it's in git-tracked directory, , if so, can show how local branch differs remote branch (ahead/behind x commits), if local repository "clean", or if has staged, conflicted, changed unstaged, untracked, stashed files.

just noticed periodically (i think default every 5 min after local repo unchanged) runs git fetch --quiet find remote branch's status. (of course, isn't doing pull or merge.)

ignoring increased load on git server frequent fetches, inviting problems?

i'm relatively new git, , not sure if automatic fetching complicate development. or, if delay running merge until want to, make no difference, except showing remote status might otherwise not aware of?

for me there no problem @ fetching in background. way, receive commits few few little after pushed. , once want synchronise before merge or rebase, have most, if not commits , it's little quicker.

i don't think there performance problem @ fetching because if there nothing fetch, server doing quite nothing...

i think it's convenient feature! ;-)


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