java - Android Unity plugin -

i want use unity android plugin in ar application. app has ar camera, image target , 3d object.

on eclipse :

i create default android application on eclipse. click build automatically , check project name -> proeprties -> islibrary. create class named bridge on eclipse project.

package com.tutorial.pluginforunity; public class bridge {      public static int returnint() {         return 5;     } } 

on unity : create bridgeforunity.cs file. conent of :

using unityengine; using system.collections; using system; using system.runtime.interopservices;  public class bridgeforandroid : monobehaviour {      #if unity_android      //&& !unity_editor     public static int returnint () {         androidjavaclass ajc = new androidjavaclass("com.tutorial.pluginforunity.bridge");         return ajc.callstatic<int>("returnint") ;     }     #endif      void start () {      }      void update () {      } } 

i edit defaulttrackableeventhandler.cs attached image target.

private void update() {     #if unity_android      gui.label(new rect(10, 10, 100, 20), "return = " + bridgeforandroid.returnint());     #endif     if (input.getkeydown(keycode.escape)) { application.quit(); } } 

i copy jar file under bin folder in eclipse project. paste under assets/plugins/android.when run application, see black screen.

to see return value plugin, move code ongui update.


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