c# - WebGrid in Razor View not updated/refreshed after RedirectToAction after POST -

have similar problem post...
webgrid not refreshing after delete mvc
whatever try, webgrid doesn't updated/refreshed after inline editing/deletion although viewmodel contains correct data before view shown...

inside controller:

public actionresult addtermin(int? id, int? ser) {     ...     viewmodel = ...  //contains correct (=updated) data     return view(viewmodel);  //contains correct (=updated) data } 

inside view "addtermin.cshtml":

@{     var data = new list<appointment>();     if (model != null && model.recurringappointments != null)     {         data = model.recurringappointments.appointments;  //contains correct (=updated) data     }     var grid = new webgrid(source: data, rowsperpage: 10);  //contains correct (=updated) data }  ...  @grid.gethtml(...)  //shows wrong (=old/previous/cached) data - ??? 

i had added following entry in web.config already...

<system.web>     <caching>       <outputcache enableoutputcache="false" />     </caching> </system.web> 

i tried "[outputcache(duration = 0)]" already.

and tried "jquery.ajaxsetup({ cache: false });".

and tried "modelstate.clear();" already. nothing works.

how can webgrid show updated data? have idea?
many in advance!

i solve problem now, should mention i'm using ajax post. since action in controller called ajax post , since there successfull redirect addtermin action via redirecttoaction then, didn't want believe ajax post might reason why webgrid isn't updated. reason. solution helped me: view not refreshing after ajax post

my solution looks now... instead of "redirecttoaction", use now:

[httppost] public actionresult updateappointment(appointment appointment) {     ...     //old:      //return redirecttoaction("addtermin");     //new:     var redirecturl = new urlhelper(request.requestcontext).action("addtermin", "veranstaltung");     return json(new { url = redirecturl }); } 

and in view "addtermin.cshtml":

$(function () {     $('.saveapp').on('click', function () {         ...         var appointment = { ... };         $.ajax({             url: '/veranstaltung/updateappointment',             data: json.stringify(appointment),             type: 'post',             contenttype: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',             success: function (result) {                 window.location.href = result.url;             },             error: function (errorthrown) {                 ...             }         });     }); }) 

it works fine me.


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