javascript - OpenTok UI elemnts are not positioned in my HTML DOM elements -

i using opentok add video broadcusting app. app using menu on left side, , tabs on right side. added 2 div elements right side:

<div id="mypublisherdiv1"></div>  <div id="mypublisherdiv2"></div> 

//replace first parameter replacement element id:   var publisher = ot.initpublisher("mypublisher1",                                    {width:400, height:300});     //replace api key , replacement element id:   var subscriber = session.subscribe(tokobj['apikey'],                                      "mypublisher2",                                      {width:400, height:300})   session.publish(publisher);
ui displayed on top of menu in left side.

did typo ot.initpublisher("mypublisher1" instead of ot.initpublisher("mypublisherdiv1" ? same subscribe block.


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