javascript - Add css to tooltip in fullcalendar -

everyone! i'm trying change default tooltip red 1 in fullcalendar. i'm using bootstrap, far understand, tooltip see windows one(white rectangle). how can change that? how call tooltip:

eventmouseover: function (calevent, jsevent, view) {     $(this).find(".fc-content").attr({          "data-toggle": "tooltip",          "title": calevent.title,          "data-content": calevent.title,          "data-container": "body"      }).addclass("red-tooltip");     $(this).find(".fc-content").mouseover(function () {          $(this).tooltip('show');      }, function () {          $(this).tooltip('hide');      }); } 

this css

.red-tooltip + .tooltip > .tooltip-inner {     background-color: #f00; } .red-tooltip + .tooltip > .tooltip-arrow {      border-bottom-color:#f00;  } 

any appreciated.


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