c# - Why does this generic method call not match? -

i have address class:

public class address {     //some stuff } 

and there's corresponding *wrapper class enforce rules on how use address class:

public class addresswrapper : iwrapped<address> {     private address _wrapped;      public address getwrapped()     {         return _wrapped;     }      //and more } 

where iwrapped defined as:

public interface iwrapped<t> {     t getwrapped(); } 

i have following generic class saving these entities (there other entities follow pattern of entity , entitywrapper):

public class genericrepository {     private genericrepository() { }      public static void add<t>(iwrapped<t> entity)     {         //do     }      public static void addlist<t>(ilist<iwrapped<t>> entities)     {         //do     } } 

and have test code:

[test] public void usegenericrepository() {     addresswrapper addrw = new addresswrapper();     addrw.addrline1 = "x";     addrw.addrline2 = "y";     addrw.addrline3 = "z";     addrw.city = "starling city";     //this works expected     genericrepository.add<address>(addrw);      ilist<addresswrapper> addrlist = new list<addresswrapper>();     //fill addrlist      //this gives error: best overloaded method match has invalid     //arguments     genericrepository.addlist<address>(addrlist); } 

addresswrapped of type iwrapped<address> (i.e., implements it) , address type parameter being given addlist method, types should line up. know due limited knowledge of c# generics (familiar java generics), can't figure out what's wrong here --- should work.

this doesn't make difference, here's config:

  • nhibernate 4.x
  • .net framework (4.5)

this because of missing type variance of ilist<t>. (ilist<int> not ilist<object>).

use ienumerable<t>, because covariant:

public static void addlist<t>(ienumerable<iwrapped<t>> entities) {     //do } 

reason: if instance of list<addresswrapper>, compiler doesn't know if compatible any possible implementation of ilist<iwrapped<t>>. assume class implements iwrapped<t>. wouldn't compatible when writing list. though don't write list in addlist, compiler accepts compatible types. ienumerable<t> cannot written, can variant.

not related question suggest use covariance own interface well:

public interface iwrapped<out t> 

to make iwrapped<thing> compatible iwrapped<specificthing>.

msdn: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee207183.aspx


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