.net - How can I have a single column on a column chart using MSCharts (within an Asp.Net application)? -
i'm using following code generate chart:
public actionresult generatechart() { var chart = new chart(); chart.antialiasing = antialiasingstyles.all; chart.textantialiasingquality = textantialiasingquality.high; chart.width = 500; chart.height = 400; chartarea area = new chartarea(); area.axisy.labelstyle.format = "{0:c}"; chart.chartareas.add(area); series serie = new series(); serie.charttype = seriescharttype.column; serie.points.databindxy(data, "year", data, "amount"); chart.series.add(serie); using (var stream = new memorystream()) { chart.saveimage(stream, chartimageformat.jpeg); return file(stream.toarray(), "image/jpeg"); } }
it's simple column chart data sum of amount (y-axis) per year (x-axis).
the data variable supplied while testing code has 1 item. item represents year 2015 amount of little bit on 9.000 (no pun intended).
as can see image generated below, despite having data 1 year, chart automatically adds previous year , next one.
how can show 2015? or @ least hide points/labels programatically? why adding information?
thanks in advance.
try disabling margin on x axis
area.axisx.ismarginvisible = false;
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