c++ - Merge sort does not split the right side of the list -

like title states, merge sort splits left side. else works fine, including merge function. can't figure out why. appreciate help. in list includes: 7, 4, 10, 2, 6, 1, 3, 7, 11, 5 outputs 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 7, 10, 11, 5

edit: added rest of class.

#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std;  class linkedlist { private:     class node     {     public:         int data;         node * next;         node * prev;       node(int x)     {         data = x;         next = null;         prev = null;     } };  node * head; node * tail;  node * split() {     node * finger = head;     node * fast = head->next;     while (fast != null)     {         fast = fast->next;         if (fast != null)         {             fast = fast->next;             finger = finger->next;         }     }     tail = finger->next;     node * splitb = tail;     splitb->prev = null;     finger->next = null;     return splitb; }  node * merge(node * a, node * b) {     linkedlist m;      while(a != null || b != null)     {         if(b == null)         {             if(m.head != null)             {                 a->prev = m.tail;                 m.tail->next = a;                 m.tail = a;              }             else             {                 m.head = a;                 m.tail = m.head;             }             = a->next;         }         else if(a == null)         {             if(m.head != null)             {                                b->prev = m.tail;                 m.tail->next = b;                 m.tail = b;             }             else             {                 m.head = b;                 m.tail = m.head;             }             b = b->next;         }         else if (a->data < b->data)         {             if(m.head == null)             {                 m.head = a;                 m.tail = m.head;             }             else             {                 a->prev = m.tail;                 m.tail->next = a;                 m.tail = a;             }             = a->next;         }         else         {             if(m.head == null)             {                 m.head = b;                 m.tail = m.head;             }             else             {                 b->prev = m.tail;                 m.tail->next = b;                 m.tail = b;             }             b = b->next;         }     }     return m.head; }  node* mergesort(node * a) {     if (head == null || head->next == null)     {         return a;     }     else     {         node * b = split();          node* right = mergesort(a);         node* left = mergesort(b);          return merge(right, left);     } }    public:     linkedlist()     {         head = null;         tail = null;     }   void push_back(int x) {     node * baby = new node(x);      if( head == null )     {         head=baby;         tail=baby;     }     else     {         baby->prev = tail;         tail->next = baby;         tail = baby;     } }  void mergesort() {     head = mergesort(head); }  bool empty() {     if (head == null)         return true;     else         return false; }  int pop() {     int popme = head->data;     node * deleteme = head;     if (head->next == null)     {         head = null;         tail = null;         delete deleteme;         return popme;     }     else     {         head = head->next;         head->prev = null;         delete deleteme;         return popme;     } } //test void display() {     node * finger = head;     while(finger!=null)     {         cout << finger->data << endl;         finger = finger->next;     } }  }; 

to merge sort going have break list. example splitting on head , tail pointless. splitting on whole list, not increasingly smaller portions of list. split have this:

void split(node *& a, node *& b) {     node * finger = a;     node * fast = a->next;     while (fast != null)     {         fast = fast->next;         if (fast != null)         {             fast = fast->next;             finger = finger->next;         }     }     b = finger->next;     b->prev->next = null;     b->prev = null;  } 

i recommend changing variable names fast , finger more descriptive.

merge , mergesort require similar modification.

edited post things c++ way. sorry that.


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