android - Variable Stays Null -
i'm trying pass string between activities, ytadapter favorites. ytadapter:
mholder.mvideofavorite.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() { @override public void onclick(view v) { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // need send searchresult result here favorites // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// apputils.showtoast(result.getsnippet().gettitle() + " added favorites."); intent intent = new intent(mactivity,favorites.class); string vidid,vidtitle,vidthumbnail; vidid = result.getid().getvideoid(); //video id vidtitle = result.getsnippet().gettitle(); //video title vidthumbnail = result.getsnippet().getthumbnails().getmedium().geturl(); //video thumbnail intent.putextra("id",vidid); intent.putextra("title",vidtitle); intent.putextra("thumbnail",vidthumbnail); } });
and try in favorites:
/*getting video information ytadapter*/ vidid = getintent().getstringextra("id"); <--- stays null vidtitle = getintent().getstringextra("title"); <--- stays null vidthumbnail = getintent().getstringextra("thumbnail"); <--- stays null
i'm accessing favorties 3rd activity, not straight ytadapter.
try in main class:
intent = new intent(listviewactivity.this, editcontact.class); bundle bundle = new bundle(); bundle.putint("index", itemid); bundle.putboolean("addcontact", false); i.putextras(bundle); startactivity(i);
and can data in other class this:
bundle bundle = getintent().getextras(); if (bundle != null) { int index = bundle.getint("index"); boolean bool = bundle.getboolean("addcontact"); if (bool ) { settitle("add contact"); } else { settitle("edit contact"); }
i hope help.
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