Displaying websites with WebGL in Python / PyQT -

i'd write app in python display website webgl content. that's script:

import sys pyqt4 import qtcore, qtgui, qtwebkit pyqt4.qtcore import qfileinfo  if __name__ == "__main__": app = qtgui.qapplication(sys.argv) webview = qtwebkit.qwebview()     webview.setgeometry(qtcore.qrect(30, 20, 591, 511)) webview.settings().setattribute(qtwebkit.qwebsettings.webglenabled, true) webview.settings().setattribute(qtwebkit.qwebsettings.acceleratedcompositingenabled, true) webview.load(qtcore.qurl('http://webglsamples.org/aquarium/aquarium.html')) webview.show() sys.exit(app.exec_()) 

it's "webglenabled" setting doesn't work. have ideas? maybe have example code working in pyqt or pyside?


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