class - C++ Error: lvalue required as unary '&' operand -
i have created class named node. defined follows:
class node { private: int key; node * next; public: void setkey(int key); void setnext(node * next); int getkey(); node * getnext(); };
these functions basic getter , setter functions. now, if try this:
it shows error :lvalue required unary '&' operand
now, if update class node , keep (node * next) public , access via this:
it shows no error.
please how can rid of error.
when return node*
, create temporary variable of node*
type, has no sense take address using &
, temporary variable anyway destroyed soon.
when directly access next
, refer long-living variable, , can take address.
you might want return reference node*
node*& getnext() {return next;};
so point same variable next
, able take address.
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