c++ - String manipulation and ignoring part of string -

i have input following text file using c++

command1 5 #create 5 box
length 12
inserttext box

how can read in input while ignoring after #sign?

for example output should without #create 5 box

command1  5 length    12 inserttext box 


i tried following:

while(getline(myfile, line)) {     istringstream readline(line);     getline(readline, command, ' ');     getline(readline, input, '\0'); } 

...but doesn't seem work.

the outer while(getline( , istringsteam good, after you'd want read space-separated word command, perhaps 1 or more space-separated inputs after that: like

std::string command, input; std::vector<std::string> inputs; if (readline >> command && command[0] != '#') {     while (readline >> input && input[0] != '#')         inputs.push_back(input);     // process command , inputs... } 

it's easier use >> getline parse readline because set stream failure state if don't @ least 1 valid character, making [0] indexing safe , dropping out cleanly empty lines, or commands no inputs.


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