jquery - How do i animate scattered divs to align on pageload -
i browsing ideas new project , animation caught eye here.
on pre-pageload boxes scattered, after loading scattered boxes come , align in respective positions. seems complicated jquery application willing learn.
any appreciated please, maybe link tutorial or starting point?
here fiddle layout. can have 5 blocks in layout animate above website?
<!--body--> <div id="bodycontainer"> <div id="indexspotlightcontainer"> slider </div> <div class="indexblockdivider"></div> <div id="indexblockcontainer1"> <div class="indexinfoblock"> block1 </div> </div> <div class="indexblockdivider"></div> <div id="indexblockcontainer2"> block2 </div> <div class="indexblockdivider"></div> <div id="indexblockcontainer3"> <div class="indexspotcontainer1"> block3 </div> <div class="indexspotcontainer2"> block4 </div> <div class="indexspotcontainer3"> block5 </div> </div> </div> <!--body-->
note, may require adjustments @ top css
block achieve exact expected effects
try utilizing .animate()
, .filter()
, .addback()
// select elements animate, // apply beginning animation style, // default syle $("[class^=index], [id^=index]").css({ "width":"0px", "height":"0px", "margin":"2px", "padding":"2px", "float":"left" }) .filter(function() { return /^indexinfoblock/.test(this.classname) }) .animate({ width:"964px", height:"215px" }, 5000) .addback() .filter(function() { return /^indexblockdiviver|indexspotlightcontainer/.test(this.id) }) .animate({ width:"1024px", height:"100px" }, 5000) .addback() .filter(function() { return /^indexblockdiviver/.test(this.classname) }) .animate({ width:"1024px", height:"10px" }, 5000) .addback() .filter(function() { return /^indexblockcontainer/.test(this.id) }) .animate({ width:"1024px", height:"270px" }, 5000) .addback() .filter(function() { return /^indexspotcontainer/.test(this.classname) }) .animate({ width:"334px", height:"270px" }, 5000);
jsfiddle https://jsfiddle.net/rvtusu89/2/
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