ios - Background color for drawing CIImage -

i use of cifilters image processing. i've found uiimageview slow display output image in real-time. i've followed documentation , built glkview. performance perfect, image rendered in black rect when rotated.

enter image description here

how set color background (green in case) or transparent?

here drawing code snippet. i'm not familiar graphics domain @ all.

private class imageview: glkview {      override init!(frame: cgrect, context: eaglcontext!) { // called `.opengles3` context.         cicontext = cicontext(eaglcontext: context, options: [kcicontextworkingcolorspace: nsnull()])         super.init(frame: frame, context: context)         }      private let cicontext: cicontext      private var image: ciimage? {         didset {             setneedsdisplay()         }     }      private override func drawrect(rect: cgrect) {          // clear `glclear`... here set color `backgroundcolor` (green) , cleared it.          if image != nil {                             cicontext.drawimage(image!, inrect: { /* returned computed rect */ }(), fromrect: image!.extent())         }     }      private override func layoutsubviews() {         super.layoutsubviews()         setneedsdisplay()     } } 

are setting blend mode?

glenable(gl_blend); glblendfunc(gl_src_alpha, gl_one_minus_src_alpha); glblendequation(gl_func_add); 

check link show visual effects of blend mode

if setting blend mode can show more of going on in drawrect method?


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