javascript - Directives as class in bootstrap ui modal do not compile -

i'm trying pass directive class in windowclass field doesn't seem compiled , therefore directive not called.


... ${       templateurl: 'modal.html',       scope: scope,       controller: 'myctrl controller',       backdrop: false,       windowclass: 'directive' }) .result.then(function (data) {      // }); ... 


... .directive('directive', function() {     return {         link: function(scope, element, attr) {             var modal = element;             console.log("directive called");             // real code goes there         }     }; }); ... 

with configuration, directive never gets called.

i'm using workaround @ moment not satisfied it:


... .directive('directive', function() {     return {         link: function(scope, element, attr) {             var modal = element.parent().parent().parent();             console.log("directive called");             // real code goes there         }     }; }); ... 


<div directive>      <!-- --> </div> 

i found same question here doesn't have answer other workaround, reposting appropriate tag: angular-ui-bootstrap specified on github repo, hoping receive better answer.

i using:

  • angular v1.3
  • angular-ui/bootstrap v0.13.0 (last version)

update: please see comment below.

currently, not recompile element. rather, call $element.addclass , pass in user's specified value of windowclass.

however, think there use case , please enter new issue here if don't mind.

please link post new issue. thanks.


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