jquery - Dynamically add columns to table (with colResizable plugin) -

i'm using plugin colresizable manipulate column width. being able dynamically add columns. tried that:

<body ng-controller='myctrl'>   <table style="width: 100%;height:300px" col-resizeable>     <tr>       <td  ng-repeat='column in columns track $index' ng-style="{'background':column}">content</td>     </tr>   </table>  <button type='button' ng-click="addcolumn()">add</button> </body> 

here plunker (the add button supposed add green column)


with no success. can tell i'm doing wrong?

edit: here how add column...

$scope.addcolumn = function(){    $scope.columns.push('green'); } 

any reason why need $timeout ? if remove work

myapp.directive('colresizeable', function($interval) { return {     restrict: 'a',     link: function(scope, elem) {      elem.colresizable({       livedrag: true,       gripinnerhtml: "<div class='grip'></div>",       draggingclass: "dragging",       ondrag: function() {         //trigger resize event, paren-witdh directive updated         //$(window).trigger('resize');       }     });  } }; }); 

other solution watch "columns" , disabled & re-enable colresizable everytime change.



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