python - while loop for user input doesn't exit -

the code have below isn't stopping when enter exitcode, , other problem elif line detecting every character entered number.

counter = 0 exitcode = 'x' wantstoexit = false  while counter < 6 , wantstoexit == false:         candyname = str(input('enter candy\'s code/name ({0} exit): '.format(exitcode)))         if candyname == "{0}".format(exitcode):             wantstoexit == true             print("you have chosen exit.")         elif candyname.isdigit:             print("please enter letters.") 

there several problems code.

as dzarafata mentioned,

  1. you testing value of counter @ top of while loop never change value in loop.
  2. elif candyname.isdigit: doesn't test if string candyname consists of digits. that, need call method, this: elif candyname.isdigit().
    however, not test want, since doesn't catch strings contain non-letters aren't digits, eg, punctuation marks.

fwiw, if candyname.isdigit: tests truth value of candyname.isdigit method itself. in python method object , object isn't equivalent 0, false, none, or other null object empty string, list, tuple, set, dict, etc, considered true.

if candyname.isdigit:     print("stuff") 

will always print stuff, no matter string in candyname.

a 3rd problem code doesn't exit while loop when gets correct data.

a minor flaw in code str(input(stuff)). python 3 input() function always returns string, there's no need convert output string str(). if you're using python 2 should avoid using input() , use raw_input() instead, python 2 input() can dangerous things untrusted input.

here's modified version of code. i've changed candyname candy_name comply usual python naming convention. i've modified logic use break statements, no longer need wantstoexit flag.

exitcode = 'x' prompt = "enter candy's code/name ({0} exit): ".format(exitcode)  #make upto 6 attempts correct input candy_name = none counter in range(1, 7):     data = input("{0}: {1}".format(counter, prompt))     if data == exitcode:         print("you have chosen exit.")         break     elif not data.isalpha():         print("please enter letters.")     else:         candy_name = data         break  if candy_name none:     print("no valid candy name entered") else:    print("candy name: '{0}'".format(candy_name)) 

note use data store user input string, , copy candy_name once we've made sure it's valid name. version prints current value of counter @ start of prompt.


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