Disable Velocity view resolver in Spring Boot -

we use spring boot in our application along angularjs , html. use velocity email templates not view resolver.

@bean(name = "velocityengine") public velocityenginefactorybean velocityenginefactorybean() {     velocityenginefactorybean vefb = new velocityenginefactorybean();     properties p = new properties();     p.put("resource.loader", "class");     p.put("class.resource.loader.class", "org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.classpathresourceloader");     vefb.setvelocityproperties(p);     return vefb; } 

even though don't use velocity view resolver, following error due auto configuration:

error org.apache.velocity - resourcemanager : unable find resource 'loadlist' in resource loader. error org.apache.velocity - resourcemanager : unable find resource 'index' in resource loader.

i tried disable velocity auto configuration:

@configuration @componentscan @enableautoconfiguration(exclude = { datasourceautoconfiguration.class,velocityautoconfiguration.class }) @suppresswarnings("pmd") @enableasync public class application { 

also added following in application.properties file:


but i'm still getting above error. there anyway disable velocity view resolver alone?

i know question quite old, quite easy disable:

just add

spring.velocity.enabled = false 

to application.properties

source: http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/common-application-properties.html


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