Problems in webview component (java Android) -
problems in webview component (java android).
i created screen receive payments:
public class paymentonlinefragment extends fragment { }
this screen has 1 component webview:
view v = inflater.inflate (r.layout.activity_pagamento, null);
xml layout has content:
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?><linearlayout xmlns: android = "" android: orientation = "horizontal" android: layout_width = "fill_parent" android: layout_height = "fill_parent"> <webview android: id = "@ + id / webview" android: layout_width = "fill_parent" android: layout_height = "fill_parent" />
i carry php page in webview:
my problem is:
i need update every 5 seconds php page, did put in of page:
"onload="settimeout ('delayer ()', 5000)" na tag body
the page opens in webview first time, when pass 5 seconds refresh, link opened in default android browser (another window opens) , webview not updated.
i want page updated within webview own (ie in own application).
does know how fix this?
why don't reload page android code instead of using javascript? thread or handler, , call mwebview.loadurl("http://www.websitehere.php");
every n seconds!
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