php - Get One Page Checkout Payment Custom Form Input value -

i have

class my_mymodule_block_server_form extends mage_payment_block_form {    protected function _construct()    {       parent::_construct();       $this->settemplate('mymodule/form/myinputform.phtml');                }  } 

app/design/frontend/base/default/template/mymodule/form/myinputform.phtml page following code in it

<dt> <input type="radio" class="radio" title="<?php echo $this->getmymoduletitle(); ?>" name="payment[method]" value="somestrangevalue" id="p_method_mymodule" autocomplete="off">   <input type="radio" class="radio" title="<?php echo $this->getmymoduletitle(); ?>" name="payment[method]" value="somestrangevalue2" id="p_method_mymodule" autocomplete="off"> 

i can see 2 inputs on checkout page. enter image description here want value of radio input in controller (where post data payment gateway).

to same have create form in tpl file having submit button well.

set action desired having path of controller i.e.

<form action="<?= $this->geturl('modulename/contollername/action') ?>" id="anyform" method="post" class="scaffold-form"> 

now when submit form field inside in post array of magento in action of provided container.

please make sure input fields contained inside form going add.


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