Function to split string in matlab and return second number -

i have string , need 2 characters returned. tried strsplit delimiter must string , don't have delimiters in string. instead, want second number in string. number 2 digits.

example: 001a02.jpg use fileparts function delete extension of image (jpg), string: 001a02 expected return value 02

another example: 001a43a . return values: 43

another one: 002a12. return values: 12

all filenames in matrix 1002x1. maybe can use textscan in second example, gives "43a" result.

(just question doesn't remain unanswered, here's possible approach: )

one way go uses splitting regular expressions (matlab's strsplit mentioned):

str = '001a02.jpg'; c = strsplit(str,'[a-za-z.]','delimitertype','regularexpression'); 

results in:

c =      '001'    '02'    '' 

in older versions of matlab, before strsplit introduced, similar functionality achieved using regexp(...,'split').

if want learn more regular expressions (abbreviated "regex" or "regexp"), there many online resources (jgi..)

in case, if need take 5th , 6th characters string use:

d = str(5:6); 

... , if want convert numbers use:

e = str2double(str(5:6)); 


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