knockout.js - $component incorrect within foreach binding inside a KO component -

js fiddle showing issue:

i have custom component renders observable array. list elements readonly , trying support letting user delete element.

here's template:

<template id="kv-list"> <input type="text" placeholder="key" data-bind="textinput: k"> <input type="text" placeholder="value" data-bind="textinput: v"> <button data-bind="click: add">add</button><br>  <table>     <thead>         <tr>             <th data-bind="text: keyheading"></th>             <th data-bind="text: valueheading"></th>             <th></th>         </tr>     </thead>     <tbody  data-bind="foreach: items">         <tr>             <td data-bind="text: k"></td>             <td data-bind="text: v"></td>             <td><a href="#" data-bind="click: $component.delete">delete</a></td>         </tr>     </tbody> </table> 

and viewmodel , registration code:

      function kv(k, v) {         self = this;         self.k = k;         self.v = v;     }      function kvpairlist(params) {         this.items = params.items;         this.keyheading = params.keyheading || 'key';         this.valueheading = params.valueheading || 'value';         this.k = ko.observable();         this.v = ko.observable();        }      kvpairlist.prototype.add = function () {         this.items.push(new kv(this.k(), this.v()));     };       kvpairlist.prototype.delete = function (item) {         this.items.remove(item);     };       function vm(params) {         this.title = params && params.heading ? params.heading : 'ko component example';         this.variants = ko.observablearray();     }       ko.components.register('kvlist', {         viewmodel: kvpairlist,         template: {             element: 'kv-list'         }     });      ko.components.register('page-main', {         viewmodel: vm,         template: { element: 'wrapper' }     });      ko.applybindings();  

adding observable array works fine. if click delete on 1 of rows ko throughs error:

uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'remove' of undefined 

it looks happening $component not context of component's viewmodel -- item inside foreach binding. tried $parent same effect.

is there way access component's viewmodel inside foreach loop?

(js fiddle showing issue:

for reason 'this' inside remove method not refferring kvpairlist.

this why proffer use scoped variable refer instance , prevent closure issues:

try this:

function kvpairlist(params) {     var self = this;      self.add = function(){          self.items.push(new kv(this.k(), this.v()));        };      self.delete = function(item){         self.items.remove(item);       }     self.items = params.items;     self.keyheading = params.keyheading || 'key';     self.valueheading = params.valueheading || 'value';     self.k = ko.observable();     self.v = ko.observable();    } 

and view model code becomes more self-contained well.

fiddle here:


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