python - How to represent networkx graphs with edge weight using nxpd like outptut -

recently asked question how represent graphs ipython. answer looking for, today i'm looking way show edge valuation on final picture.

the edge valuation added :

import networkx nx nxpd import draw # if library same or same                       # output of nxpd , answer question, that's                       # not issue import random  g = nx.graph() g.add_nodes_from([1,2]) g.add_edge(1, 2, weight=random.randint(1, 10))  draw(g, show='ipynb') 

and result here.

result provided ipython notebook

i read help of nxpd.draw (didn't see web documentation), didn't find anything. there way print edge value ?

edit : also, if there's way give formating function, good. example :

def edge_formater(graph, edge):     return "my edge %s" % graph.get_edge_value(edge[0], edge[1], "weight") 

edit2 : if there's library nxpd doing same output, it's not issue

edit3 : has work nx.{graph|digraph|multigraph|multidigraph}

if @ source nxpd.draw (function draw_pydot) calls to_pydot filters graph attributes like:

if attr_type == 'edge':     accepted = pydot.edge_attributes elif attr_type == 'graph':     accepted = pydot.graph_attributes elif attr_type == 'node':     accepted = pydot.node_attributes else:     raise exception("invalid attr_type.")  d = dict( [(k,v) (k,v) in attrs.items() if k in accepted] ) 

if pydot find pydot.edge_attributes contains valid graphviz-attributes. weight strictly refers edge-weight graphviz if recall, , label attribute need. try:

g = nx.graph() g.add_nodes_from([1,2]) weight=random.randint(1, 10) g.add_edge(1, 2, weight=weight, label=str(weight)) 

note haven't been able test if works, downvote if doesn't.


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