GitLab-CI PHPunit Composer laravel -

i new gitlab-ci , docker, stuck getting runner run phpunit builds. following instructions here:

however, container per instructions doesn't contain tools need. question is, configuration when registering multi-runner have runner supports phpunit, composer can test laravel builds.

follow instructions register gitlab-ci-multi-runner docker executor. in .gitlab-ci.yml give appropriate image contains bare minimum requirements. else can install through command line in before_script. i'm posting sample working config you:

image: tetraweb/php services:     - mysql variables:     mysql_database: effiocms_db     mysql_user: effio_user     mysql_password: testpassword     with_xdebug: "1" before_script:     # enable necessary php extensions     - docker-php-ext-enable zip && docker-php-ext-enable mbstring && docker-php-ext-enable gd && docker-php-ext-enable pdo_mysql     # composer update     - composer self-update && composer --version     - composer global require --no-interaction --quiet "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:~1.1.0"     - export path="$home/.composer/vendor/bin:$path"     - composer install --dev --prefer-dist --no-interaction --quiet     # codeception install     - composer global require --no-interaction --quiet "codeception/codeception=2.0.*" "codeception/specify=*" "codeception/verify=*"     # setup application     - |       php ./init --env=development --overwrite=all       cd tests/codeception/backend && codecept build       cd ../common && codecept build       cd ../console && codecept build       cd ../frontend && codecept build       cd ../../../     - cd tests/codeception/bin && php yii migrate --interactive=0 && cd ../../.. codeception:     stage: test     script:         - |           php -s localhost:8080 > /dev/null 2>&1 &           cd tests/codeception/frontend           codecept run 

obviously config application running on yii2. need adjust per requirements.


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