javascript - How a promise returning a promise fails -

there 2 rest call

the first


which return


the second rest call


which return

[{"personname":"rahul shivsharan","personid":123},{"personname":"mehul sarnikar","personid":34},{"personname":"praful patel","personid":343}] 

what need on basis of response of first rest need invoke second rest call.

i have written 1 angularjs code

which follows

<!doctype html> <html ng-app="myapp"> <head>     <meta charset="iso-8859-1">     <title>insert title here</title>     <script type="text/javascript" src="../scripts/angular.js"></script>     <script src="../scripts/angular-resource.js"></script>     <script type="text/javascript">         var myapp = angular.module("myapp",['ngresource']);         myapp.factory("countservice",function($resource){             return $resource("../rest/ser/out/:num",{                 num : "@num"             });                      }).factory("personservice",function($resource,countservice,$interval){             var obj = new object();              obj.getpersonlist = function(inputtxt){                  return countservice.get({                     "num" : inputtxt                 }).$promise.then(function(response){                     var url = "../rest/ser/person/list2/";                     if(response.num === 2){                         url += "two";                     }else if(response.num === 3){                         url += "three";                     }else{                         url +=  "other";                     }                     return $resource(url,{});                 });             };             return obj;           }).controller("myctrl",function($scope,personservice){             $scope.getinfo = function(){                 personservice.getpersonlist($scope.inputtxt).query().$promise.then(function(response){                     $scope.personlist = response;                 });             }         });     </script> </head> <body ng-controller="myctrl">     <h1>{{num}}</h1>     <br />     <input type="text" ng-model="inputtxt" /><br/><br/>     <input type="button" value="enter" ng-click="getinfo()" />     <br /><br /><br />     <table border="2">         <tr ng-repeat="per in personlist">             <td>{{per.personname}}</td>             <td>{{per.personid}}</td>         </tr>     </table> </body> 

what on basis of input enter user first rest call made, , after success of first rest call second rest call made.

so first rest call returns "2", convert "two" , append url of second rest call.

but here getting error


 typeerror: personservice.getpersonlist(...).query not function @ scope.$scope.getinfo (index.html:65) @ parser.functioncall (angular.js:10795) @ angular.js:19036 @ scope.$get.scope.$eval (angular.js:12632) @ scope.$get.scope.$apply (angular.js:12730) @ htmlinputelement.<anonymous> (angular.js:19035) @ angular.js:2843 @ foreach (angular.js:325) @ htmlinputelement.eventhandler (angular.js:2842) 

what thought promise returns promise itself,

so code should work, doesn't,

where going wrong.

can u suggest me better solution

like @alexma said, returning $resource "class" object.

the easiest way things working provide .then statement prior calling .query():

$scope.getinfo = function(){     personservice.getpersonlist($scope.inputtxt)         .then(function(resource) {             return resource.query().$promise;         })         .then(function(response){             $scope.personlist = response;         })     ; }; 

here example of in action:


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