javascript - How to make an relative search ( informed by user ) -

i have lot of checkboxs : enter image description here

the user check 1 param of each checkbox make search.

how can relative search informed user ? isn't obligatted select 1 of each checkbox.

my js:

var checkeds = new array(); $("input[name='marcar[]']:checked").each(function (){     checkeds.push( $(this).val()); }); var obj = $("#paramspesquisa"); if($(obj).find("input[id='cd_seq_pedido']:checked").length > 0){     var cd_seq_pedido = $(obj).find("input[id='cd_seq_pedido']:checked").val(); }else{     var cd_seq_pedido = ""; } 

my ajax:

$.ajax({     type: "post",     url: "/pedidoonline/index.php/pedidos/checkbox_marcados",     data: {         'marcar':checkeds,         'cd_seq_pedido': cd_seq_pedido,         'cd_pedido': cd_pedido     },     success: function(data){         console.log(data);     }  }); 

on controller, how can make query ?

$pesquisa = $this->pesquisapedonline->find('all', array(     'fields' => array('cd_seq_pedido', 'cd_pedido', 'ds_cpl_tamanho_interno'),     'conditions' => array(?????) )); 

if need more information, i'll put, sorry if couldn't explain clearly.

when build conditions array in cake need specify field each of checkbox values corresponds with. example:

$conditions = array(     'modelname.fieldname1' => 'value1', // single checkbox value     'modelname.fieldname2' => 'value2, value3, value4', // multiple checkbox values     // etc... ); 

to able construct $conditions array need pass more information controller in ajax call. suggest constructing json object can build {'fieldname1':'value1, value2'}.

also may want consider how remove items user unchecks.


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