javascript - How to interact with an element that is hidden using Selenium Webdriver? -

element properties:-

 <textarea id="txtsuffixtitle" class="form-control" tabindex="3" rows="2" placeholder="suffix title" name="txtsuffixtitle" maxlength="50" cols="20" style="display: none; visibility: hidden;">suffix title </textarea> 

selenium code:-

driver.findelement("txtsuffixtitle")).clear(); driver.findelement("txtsuffixtitle")).sendkeys("mr."); 


element must not hidden, disabled or read-only

i found below solution in 1 of post. able interact element breaking ui.

webelement elem = driver.findelement("txtsuffixtitle")); string js = "arguments[0].style.display='inline'; arguments[0].style.visibility='visible';"; ((javascriptexecutor) driver).executescript(js, elem); 

could please suggest ? can type manually due style property i.e. style="display: none; visibility: hidden; automation unable interact.

if element hidden, can't interact through selenium. javascript executor, should able like:

((javascriptexecutor)driver).executescript("document.getelementbyid('txtsuffixtitle').innertext = 'mr.'"); 

hope helps.


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