objective c - iOS - Add view without knowing its size -

i trying, programmatically, add subviews view. process goes follows:

1) fetch array of medias web

2) if picture, build uiimageview , add bottom of view. if text, build uitextview , add bottom of view

3) repeat step 2 until end of array

the problems:

  • how create views if don't know height of them? seems add view need specify frame.

  • how add each view bottom of existing views?

thanks in advance, tiago

if don't know size of view, call sizetofit , layoutifneeded method after adding view. here's code:

objective-c :

[superview addsubview: view];  [view sizetofit];  [view layoutifneeded]; 

swift :

superview.addsubview(view) view.sizetofit() view.layoutifneeded() 


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