django - creating list of lists alimented with data from database gives empty list -
i'm trying plot graph shows average call duration every day each minute 7 days in same plot, i'm defining function give me data asked according conditions plotted i'm getting list of empty lists.can 1 me tof ind bug? (acc example of data global database) function:
import time import calendar datetime import datetime itertools import repeat acc=[{u'switch_id': 3, u'hangup_cause_id': 7, u'start_uepoch': datetime(2015, 5, 8, 13, 32, 1), u'duration': 32}, {u'switch_id': 3, u'hangup_cause_id': 10, u'start_uepoch': datetime(2015, 5, 8, 13, 32, 8), u'duration': 20}, {u'switch_id': 3, u'hangup_cause_id': 10, u'start_uepoch': datetime(2015, 5, 8, 13, 32, 10), u'duration': 17}] t = y = t.year m = t.month d = donnees=[] k in range(7): try: m = t.month data=[] liste=[] liste_time=[] in acc: if (i["start_uepoch"].year == y , i["start_uepoch"].month == m , i["start_uepoch"].day == d-k): liste.append([i["start_uepoch"],i["duration"]]) q in range(24): mnt in range(60): liste2=[] acd=0 somme_duration=0 n=0 p in liste: if (p[0].hour==q , p[0].minute == mnt): liste2.append(p[1]) temps=p[0] if len(liste2)!=0: j in liste2: somme_duration+=j n+=1 acd=round((float(somme_duration)/n)*100)/100 liste_time.append(calendar.timegm(temps.timetuple())) data.append(acd) else: liste_time.append(calendar.timegm(temps.timetuple())) data.append(0) except: pass donnees.append(data) print donnees
this due try / except condition, if remove settings temps = none
after loop solves issue :
import time import calendar datetime import datetime itertools import repeat acc=[{u'switch_id': 3, u'hangup_cause_id': 7, u'start_uepoch': datetime(2015, 5, 8, 13, 32, 1), u'duration': 32}, {u'switch_id': 3, u'hangup_cause_id': 10, u'start_uepoch': datetime(2015, 5, 8, 13, 32, 8), u'duration': 20}, {u'switch_id': 3, u'hangup_cause_id': 10, u'start_uepoch': datetime(2015, 5, 8, 13, 32, 10), u'duration': 17}] t = y = t.year m = t.month d = donnees=[] k in range(7): m = t.month data=[] liste=[] liste_time=[] in acc: if (i["start_uepoch"].year == y , i["start_uepoch"].month == m , i["start_uepoch"].day == d-k): liste.append([i["start_uepoch"],i["duration"]]) q in range(24): mnt in range(60): temps = none liste2=[] acd=0 somme_duration=0 n=0 p in liste: if (p[0].hour==q , p[0].minute == mnt): liste2.append(p[1]) temps=p[0] if temps: if len(liste2)!=0: j in liste2: somme_duration+=j n+=1 acd=round((float(somme_duration)/n)*100)/100 liste_time.append(calendar.timegm(temps.timetuple())) data.append(acd) else: liste_time.append(calendar.timegm(temps.timetuple())) data.append(0) donnees.append(data) print donnees
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