javascript - Vivus.js Script won't execute in WordPress -

i'm trying use vivus.js script in wordpress animate svg logo drawing. loading js file in error console i'm getting: syntaxerror: unexpected token '<' referencing first line of virus.js file.

here script wordpress footer.php:

var elogo = new vivus('elogo', {     type : 'delayed',     duration : 140,     start : 'autostart',     forcerender : true,     dashgap: 20 }, function() {     if (window.console) {         console.log('animation finished. [log triggered callback]');     } }) 

everything working outside of wordpress when put in theme files won't execute animation.

my page address

the path wrong. page linking to:

<script src=""></script> 

if paste url in browser redirects home page. first line of html is:

<!doctype html> 

and causing error. have fix path. check header.php or functions.php (or other place enqueue script).

edit: tried few other paths. 1 should work (the dist much): 


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