javascript - Using translation with jquery in prestashop -

i'm trying translate terms when i'm using jquery inside smarty file. jquery code:

else {     $("#message").val("{l s='please try clear.'}"); 

this phrase appears {l s='please try clear.'} in web page , doesn't take consideration translation mode.

i know can use js=1 when i'm inside javascript code doesn't work me neither. have idea how use translation in jquery function?

it's practice use {literal} tags around js blocks:

{literal} <script> /... </script> {/literal} 

but when need insert smarty js block, won't work; make work have close , reopen tags (looks little bit of hack :)

{literal} <script>    var txt = '{/literal}{l s='some text'}{literal}' </script> {/literal} 

also in prestashop templates you'll find;

{strip} {addjsdefl name=translation_6}{l s='not found' js=1}{/addjsdefl} {/strip} 

which create

var translation_6 = 'not found'; 

in body, able use


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