mathnet - How to convert an integer array to a matrix in c# -

i have integer array named resp want rewrite/convert as/to row matrix name resp.

int[] resp= {1, 0, 1, 0}; 

i using mathnet.numerics library.

how can that?

in mathnet, not able initialize array of integers. is, there's in limited support available this. if tried, this:

unhandled exception: system.typeinitializationexception: type initializer  'mathnet.numerics.linearalgebra.vector`1' threw exception. --->  system.notsupportedexception: matrices , vectors of type 'int32'  not supported. double, single, complex or complex32 supported @ point. 

you can initialize vector similar values (with doubles) this:

var resp = new [] {1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0}; var v = vector<double>.build; var rowvector = v.denseofarray(resp); 

in order build matrix, need multi-dimensional array.


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