Email attachments recorded in Excel -
the macro below designed take x amount of emails, count how many attachments there in each mail , locate file formats. record has found in excel spreadsheet.
the macro works perfectly, wanting add in scenario. scenario want add in of if email has more 1 .csv file, shall recorded "multiple" rather "yes".
has got ideas implement scenario?
if .attachments.count = 0 csv_report = "no" pdf_report = "no" xls_report = "no" end if if .attachments.count > 0 i2 = 1 .attachments.count if lcase(right(.attachments(i2).filename, 4)) = ".csv" csv_report = "yes" goto csvyes 'if .csv file found, skips pdf attachment checker else csv_report = "no" end if next csvyes: i2 = 1 .attachments.count if lcase(right(.attachments(i2).filename, 4)) = ".pdf" pdf_report = "yes" goto pdfyes 'if .pdf file found, skips xls attachment checker else pdf_report = "no" end if next pdfyes: i2 = 1 .attachments.count if lcase(right(.attachments(i2).filename, 4)) = ".xls" or lcase(right(.attachments(i2).filename, 5)) = ".xlsx" or ucase(right(.attachments(i2).filename, 4)) = ".xls" xls_report = "yes" goto xlsyes 'if .xls file found, skips end of checks else xls_report = "no" end if next xlsyes: end if sheets("mail report").activate range("c65000").end(xlup).offset(1).value = csv_report range("d65000").end(xlup).offset(1).value = pdf_report range("e65000").end(xlup).offset(1).value = xls_report subject_line = mail.subject range("a65000").end(xlup).offset(1).value = subject_line
check below code. have added if else
block check if attachment.count > 1. that's it.
if .attachments.count > 0 i2 = 1 .attachments.count if lcase(right(.attachments(i2).filename, 4)) = ".csv" if .attachments.count > 1 csv_report = "multiple" else csv_report = "yes" end if goto csvyes 'if .csv file found, skips pdf attachment checker else csv_report = "no" end if next
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