Elasticsearch node.js geo_distance filter -

i'm using elasticsearch module in nodejs app in order find document geo_points.

according http://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/client/javascript-api/current/api-reference.html#api-search, i'm trying :

client.search({   index: 'myindex',   type: 'mytype',   body: {     filtered : {         query : {             match_all : {}         },         filter : {             geo_distance : {                 distance : "200km",                 coordiates : {                     lat : 40,                     lon : -70                 }             }         }     }   } }).then(function (resp) {     var hits = resp.hits.hits;     console.log(hits, "items"); }).catch(function (error) {     console.log("error on geo_distance"); }); 

but got search parsing error.

does got idea?


finaly, found correct syntax / parameters :

client.search({   index: 'myindex',   type: 'mytype',   body: {       from: from,       size: size,       query: {         filtered: {                 filter: {                     geo_distance: {                         distance: '100000km',                         coordiates: {                             lat: 0.0,                             lon: 0.0                         }                     }                 }             }         }   } }).then(function (resp) {     var hits = resp.hits.hits;     console.log(hits.length, "items around"); }).catch(function (error) {     console.log("error on geo_distance (coordiates)"); }); 

thx jhilden help.


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