A good image upload class using php mysql -

i have written class handle image uploads in php. image upload class? if see code given below, insert mysql query happens when move_uploaded_file() function uploads file server. otherwise exits error. there better practise other this.? need other situations or exceptions or methods.?

<?php     /**     * image upload calss     */     class images // define calss     {         public $_remane = false;  //remane false         public $_savetodb;         public $_target_dir = "uploads";          function __construct()//constructor         {             # code...         }          public function displayimages($userids){             $qr = mysql_query("select id,img_name, img_order images                                usersid =".$userids."                                order img_order");               $resp = array();             while($row = mysql_fetch_array($qr))             {                 $resp[] = array("img_id" => $row['id'],"img_name" => $row['img_name'],"img_order" => $row['img_order']);               }             return $resp;         }// end of displayimages          public function displayallimages($userids = null){             if($userids == null){                 $usersdata = mysql_query("select group_concat(id) uid                                users role_id =2");                 $allids=mysql_fetch_object($usersdata);                      $userids = $allids->uid;                        }              $qr = mysql_query("select img_name, usersid, users.email_id                                 images                                left join users on images.usersid = users.id                                 usersid in (".$userids.")");              $resp = array();             if($qr){                 while($row = mysql_fetch_array($qr))                 {                     $resp[] = array("email_id" => $row['email_id'],"img_name" => $row['img_name'],"usersid" => $row['usersid']);                   }                 return $resp;                        }             else{                 return false;             }          }          public function validateimages(){             foreach ($_files['filetoupload']['name'] $f => $name) {                 //check each image type.                 $check = getimagesize($_files["filetoupload"]["tmp_name"][$f]);                 if($check == false) {                     $uploadok = 0;                     return false;                 }              }             return true;         }//end of validateimages           public function handelupload(){             //check if folder exixts             if (!file_exists($this->_target_dir)) {                         mkdir($this->_target_dir, 0777, true);             }             $uploadok = 1;               foreach ($_files['filetoupload']['name'] $f => $name) {                 $imagefiletype = pathinfo($_files["filetoupload"]["name"][$f],pathinfo_extension);                 if($this->_remane === true){                     $imagefilename = substr(md5(rand()), 0, 7)."_".time().'.'.$imagefiletype;                 }                 else{                     $imagefilename = basename($_files["filetoupload"]["name"][$f]);                 }                 $target_file = $this->_target_dir.'/'.$imagefilename;                   $count=0;                  // check if $uploadok set 0 error                 if ($uploadok == 0) {                 // if ok, try upload file                 } else {                     if (move_uploaded_file($_files["filetoupload"]["tmp_name"][$f], $target_file)) {                         try {                             $qr = mysql_query("select id images usersid = '".$_session['userid']."'");                               $order = mysql_num_rows($qr);                              $qr = mysql_query("insert images(usersid, img_name, img_order) values('".$_session['userid']."','".$imagefilename."','".$order."')") or die(mysql_error());                               continue;                         }catch (exception $e) {                             echo 'caught exception: ',  $e->getmessage(), "\n";                         }// end of catch                     } //end of if upload                 }//end of else             }//end foreach              if($uploadok == 1){ //image upload successful                 return true;             }else{ //image upload fails                 return false;             }         }//end of handelupload       }// end of calss     ?>  <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">                            <fieldset>                                 select image upload:                                 <input type="file" name="filetoupload[]" id="filetoupload" multiple="multiple" accept="image/*">                               </fieldset>                              <fieldset>                                <input type="submit" value="upload image" name="submit">                                 </fieldset>                          </form>  


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